Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Week eight: A mid-week update

The fall school has returned from outreach! It has been great seeing everyone again and hearing some of their stories. Tomorrow evening, each team will be sharing testimonies (Bangladesh, Ch!na, Nepal & Indonesia). I am so excited to hear what God did in them and the lives that were radically changed through them. I have heard a little of what team Ch!na did there and that has made me even more excited to go. Here are some pictures of where I'll be going.

I am so excited to see this amazing city and be a part of the ministry there. I'm also looking forward to being completely  immersed in their lifestyle and culture. Most importantly, I'm looking forward to sharing the love of Christ with the lost and broken. Please keep my team in prayer as we are preparing to leave. 

With that said, this amazing group of people is heading to Ch!na in only 5 weeks!! Sounds awesome, right!? Well, in order for me to go with them, I need $2800 by THIS Friday (my last payment!!). It may sound impossible, but I know God will provide. Please consider supporting me at:

PO Box 790237 Paia, Hawaii 96779 Attn. Christy Morffi

or online at:

Prayer points:

• Team unity
• A bigger heart for Ch!na and the people we will meet
• I've been sick with strep throat. A quick healing would be fantastic.
• Financial support for my teammate, Faith ( top row, second from the right) and myself.

Thank you all for your love, prayers and support!! It really means the world to me.


Friday, February 21, 2014

Week seven

Another week is in the books. Time is FLYING! I'll be in the Big C in just over a month. As the days pass, I'm growing more excited and expectant in what The Lord will do there; both through and in me. God has been working in me so much this last month, I feel as if I'm undergoing heart surgery. He's made himself present to me and has shown me so much of who He is as a Father and a Savior. My heart feels as if it could burst at the amount of love and joy He has poured into me this last month. It isn't always easy, there are a lot of tears involved, transparency, and boldness to speak out things I've held inside my entire life. However, He has proved himself faithful, gentle and loving each time. That's just who He is. He saved me. I can't believe it has taken me this long to fully accept his love for me. It's never been by my works or good deeds but by His grace. That's my King! 

My team went to watch the sunset at Haleakala yesterday. It was absolutely breathtaking. Here are some highlights.

Team C

In case you didn't know, I am still raising funds for Ch!na. The total cost for my outreach will be $4150. So far, The Lord has provided $1500!!! That was enough to buy my plane ticket! (Insert hoots and hollers here) :) Please consider joining me in my ministry. I would be beyond blessed by your support!! 

You can send mail and checks to: 

PO Box 790237 Paia, Hawaii 96779 Attn. Christy Morffi

{Make checks payable to "YWAM Maui" with a note attached that it is for Christy Morffi}

or online at: 

All my love,

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Week five and six

These last two weeks have been amazing. First, I want to say thank you to all of my supporters!! I'm incredibly blessed by all of you! My lecture phase is completely paid off!! 

Lecture has been life changing these last couple weeks. Not only am I gaining head knowledge, my heart is being transformed as well. We are blessed with amazing speakers who all speak with such conviction and authority. One of the topics that was so mind blowing to me was from Bible Overview week. In Genesis 5, otherwise known as the "skim over chapter," there are a list of names. Each name translates to a different meaning. In order, here are what those names translate to:

Adam: Man
Seth: Appointed
Enosh: Mortal
Kenan: Sorrow
Mahalalel: The Blessed God
Jared: Shall Come Down
Enoch: Teaching
Methuselah: His Death Shall Bring
Lamech: The Despairing 
Noah: Rest and Comfort

This was one of the prophecies in the Old Testament pointing toward the cross. There are over 60 FULFILLED prophecies about Jesus Christ. Pretty mind blowing right!? :)

Ch!na is inching closer as the weeks go by. We will be leaving on March 30th and will be gone until June. I am so excited to see how I can apply everything I've learned so far. I am more excited to see lives transformed through Christ! 

This past week has been pretty busy. We had lecture, team time, outreach prep,  community outreach, a 20s Jazz themed party and a generous boating company allowed all of us to go whale watching! It's been a fun filled week to say the least. Here are a few highlights. :)

My colorful team (I promise we are only half this weird) 

Community Outreach

I love this sweet boy

Jazz Party

The ladies of team Ch!na

One of my sweet roommates


 I am still raising funds for Ch!na. The total cost for my outreach will be $4000. Please consider joining me in my ministry. I would be beyond blessed by your support!! 

You can send mail and checks to: 

PO Box 790237 Paia, Hawaii 96779 Attn. Christy Morffi

{Make checks payable to "YWAM Maui" with a note attached that it is for Christy Morffi}

or online at: 

Thank you all so much!!!

Love & Blessings,

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Week four

This week we had Maria Daughtry teaching on The Holy Spirit. What an incredible week it was!!! I learned so much and was impacted greatly. It was a week full of revelation and spiritual growth.

I learned more about what I'll be doing in Ch!na. We will be teaching English to college students and through friendship evangelism, share the gospel! I will also have an opportunity to visit an orphanage! I'm so excited about that. I'll be able to share more as the weeks progress. These last few weeks have been incredible. I can't wait to see what the next few months will have in store!

I am still short about $1300 for lecture phase which is due Friday, February 7th. Outreach will cost about $4300. Please consider joining me in my ministry. I would be beyond blessed by your support!! 

You can send mail and checks to: 

PO Box 790237 Paia, Hawaii 96779 Attn. Christy Morffi

{Make checks payable to "YWAM Maui" with a note attached that it is for Christy Morffi} All donations are tax deductible. 

or online at: 

Thank you all so much!!!
