Saturday, March 29, 2014

Week twelve :: final update for awhile

Well friends, it's about that time. I'm leaving tomorrow night!! I am still in shock at how quickly time has passed. I'm sure it will hit me when I'm on the plane tomorrow... Or when I land in Ch!na. :) Please keep my team in your prayers over the next few months. We will begin our ministry fairly quickly once we arrive. The biggest request I have right now is health and protection. Please be interceding when you think of it. I won't be posting anything on my blog for security reasons. However, I will be emailing my parents weekly and will ask them to update everyone on their Facebook pages. 

Thank you to everyone who has supported me throughout this journey! You have blessed me more than you'll ever know.

Prayer Points:

• That we may be lead by the Holy Spirit during ministry
• Wisdom and discernment 
• Travel Mercies
• Health
• Protection
• Team Unity
•  For The Lord to use us mightily 
•  For the people of Ch!na that they may be open to us
• For The Lord to wreck us all with love for this country

Here is one last picture of my team and their names. 
From left to right: Caleigh, Megan, Ellen, Faith, Tim, Lindy, me, Tim & Molly

Next time you hear from me will be in June! Thank you all for your prayers and support!!


Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Week ten and eleven:

Things are getting pretty busy these days. Forgive me for not updating this sooner. In lecture, we had Ben Nonoa, teaching on the Father Heart of God and Kenny Jackson, teaching on Kingdom Relationships. 

This past week was our last time going to Community Outreach. It was sad to say goodbye to all these faces but I am so thankful for the time we got to spend loving on them and telling them about Jesus. 

This boy stole my heart. His goofiness and sweet spirit reminded me so much of my cousin, Nathan.

My heart is full of gratitude, thankfulness and love as I share that: I am OFFICIALLY going to Ch!na!!!! The funds came in and in 8 days I will be on an airplane heading to Asia! I am completely humbled and in awe of who God is and the ways he provided along the way. Thank you to everyone who has prayed and supported me this far, from the bottom of my heart. You'll never know how much every single one of you mean to me.

 The journey is only half way over and these next three months will be crucial. My team and I leave next Sunday evening and will be in Ch!na until early June. I ask that you continue to pray for us as we get ready to depart. Once I'm in Ch!na, I will not be able to update my blog or communicate with anyone over social media. I will be emailing my parents weekly and will tell them to share any prayer points or updates on their Facebook pages. 

This week will be our last week of lecture and we will begin packing. Joy. (said in immense sarcasm) Im in shock at how fast the time has gone. These last two and a half months have been life changing. I am so in love with God and am amazed at how deep he has taken me these past couple months. His love and faithfulness knows no bounds and he has proven that to me. 

Well friends, thank you for reading and know that I am so thankful for all of you. I will try my best to give a short update before I leave and have some specific prayer points. 

All my love,

Monday, March 3, 2014

Week nine: An early update

This week looked a bit different because the Fall DTS just returned from outreach. We actually got the opportunity to meet with the Fall Ch!na team and hear their stories. It was SO encouraging and got me even more excited to leave in just 27 DAYS! Ahhh I cannot WAIT to go!! :) We also found out we will get an opportunity to go to another city in Ch!na and teach at a government-run church. In case I haven’t already explained this, here is an explanation of the churches in Ch!na: There are 3 different types of churches.  1) International churches: anyone who is not a citizen of Ch!na can go in as long as they have their passport and the pastors can teach whatever they want (for the most part).  2) Government run churches: anyone can go but the pastors have to have their material approved by government appointed officials so they can only teach certain things from the bible. They regulate it because they don’t want the Ch!nese citizens to be taught anything bad about the government.  3) Underground churches: churches that meet in secret (apartments, ect.) to share the love of Jesus freely to whoever comes. That is why it is such a big deal that we will get the opportunity to teach at a government run church where everything is extremely filtered by the government. There was also a testimony night where all of the teams that returned spoke about their trip and we got to watch a recap video from each team. I will try to see if I can get the Ch!na teams and post it so you get a glimpse of the ministry in Ch!na. Please continue to pray for my team and our ministry that will start in just 27 days!!!

For those who have been wondering, my teammate got all of her support in!! I am still not quite there. I have a small window of time/grace period. I am unsure of my current balance at this time. I'm guessing I need about $2600. Please prayerfully consider supporting me. You can do so online at: 

You can send mail and checks to: 

PO Box 790237 Paia, Hawaii 96779 Attn. Christy Morffi

{Make checks payable to "YWAM Maui" with a note attached that it is for Christy Morffi}

I am deeply humbled by everyone's support, prayers and compassion for my ministry. Thank you to all who have been reading and praying each step of the way. 
